Appointments & Contact


When you come for your appointment please remember to bring: 

  • Your referral from your General Practitioner 
  • Any relevant x-rays or scan (if you are visiting us from a neighbouring town)
  • Medical aid card and Identity Document
  • Pre-authorisation number (Please check with your medical aid if this is a requirement on your plan) 

Fees and Payment 

Our fees are based on, but frequently less than, those recommended by the South African Medical Association. We make use of the Discovery Classic payment arrangement. All patients are provided with a written estimate of expenses upon booking in for an operation. Consultation fees must be paid in full at the time of consultation.We can submit your consultation fee to your medical aid, but should there be a co-payment, the difference would need to be settled on the same day. 

Our business hours

Monday to Thursday: 8am – 5pm

Friday: 9am – 3pm

Patient Resources


Answers to my questions: Click here


Common conditions: Click here


Recovery resources: Click here


Treatment resources: Click here

Google maps